
Lek ne euro
Lek ne euro

lek ne euro

The ESCB participates in the printing, minting and distribution of notes and coins in all member states, and the operation of the Eurozone payment systems. As an independent central bank, the ECB has sole authority to set monetary policy. AZA electronics, elektroshtpiake, audio dhe video, dixhitale, pajisje pr zyra, IT, produkte t kujdesit personal, pc, laptop, home cinema, telefon. The euro is managed and administered by the Frankfurt-based European Central Bank (ECB) and the European System of Central Banks (ESCB) (composed of the central banks of its member states). All EU member states are eligible to join if they comply with certain monetary requirements and eventual use of the euro is mandatory for all new EU members. Sipas kursit zyrtar të këmbimit të Bankës së Shqipërisë, euro u këmbye të enjten me 112.96 lekë, niveli më i ulët për vitin 2023 dhe i dyti më i ulët historik. The euro was introduced to world financial markets as an accounting currency in 1999 and launched as physical coins and banknotes in 2002. Euro po vijon rënien në kursin e këmbimit dhe ka rënë për herë të dytë në historinë e vet poshtë kufirit të 113 lekëve.

lek ne euro

It is the single currency for over 300 million Europeans. The euro (currency sign: € banking code: EUR) is the official currency of the European Union member states of Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal and Spain, also known as the Eurozone.

Lek ne euro