
Node version angular
Node version angular

node version angular node version angular

It installs all the required packages necessary for our project to run in Angular7.

node version angular

The project angular7-app is created successfully. At present, we shall discuss CSS for our project-setup. To change, you can use arrow keys to select the one required for your project setup. In the above screenshot, the arrow is on CSS. The options available are CSS, Sass, Less and Stylus. The next question is about the stylesheet − Type y to add routing to your project setup. Once you run the command it will ask you about routing as shown below − Here, we use the projectname as angular7-app. Let us now run the above command in the command line. You can use the projectname of your choice. To create a project in Angular 7, we will use the following command − We are done with the installation of Angular 7, now we will start with the project setup. It gives the version for Angular CLI, typescript version and other packages available for Angular 7. Once the installation is done, check the details of the packages installed by using the command ng version as shown below − We will create a folder called projectA7 and install angular/cli as shown below − The above commands help to get the project setup in Angular 7. Ng new my-dream-app // name of the project Npm install -g //command to install angular 7 You will see the following commands on the webpage − To install Angular 7, go to the site, to install Angular CLI. So we have node version 10 and npm version 6.4.1. To check npm version, run npm -v in command line as shown below −

node version angular

Once you have nodejs installed, npm will also get installed with it. If you do not get the version, install nodejs from their official site −. You can check the version of node in the command line using the command, node –v, as shown below − To get started with the project setup, make sure you have nodejs installed. In this chapter, we shall discuss about the Project Setup in Angular 7.

Node version angular